Your most famous quote is known by most band kids, that being, “Band kids are the best kids.” What makes you believe this?
Band kids work hard to develop both as individuals and as an ensemble, becoming sensitive musicians as well as perceptive and understanding people. Members of the Band understand the importance of passion, hard work, drive, determination, conscientiousness, and planning, and they take these abilities and understandings with them into everything they do in life. The different colors and textures we have available in Band are incredibly descriptive and diverse, so Band students learn to appreciate a more varied world, and to blend together very different sounds and ideas to create one work that expresses things through sound. This translates to their daily lives as well, and other teachers always comment that "you get the best kids!" I argue, "No, we *make* the best kids!" Music is essential!
What are some good reasons to join band in middle school?
Band is really fun, interesting, exciting, and a great way to develop friendships, work ethic, knowledge, abilities, and understanding of music, science, history, and expression. It is a time when working together and connecting with others is the goal, and paying attention to your peers every day is required. This develops strong bonds and sensitive humans. The friendships you develop in your middle school band will be there for you for your whole life!
How can being in band help you in classes that have nothing to do with music?
Music is the only thing that connects both sides of your brain at the same time. Adding in the kinesthetic skills of playing an instrument, listening, following a conductor, and understanding the scientific principles, the historical context, the mathematical nature of rhythm, tone, and volume, and the expressive and illustrative qualities of the music allow the player to use more parts of their brain all at once. This will make you a stronger student across the board!
Is band a difficult activity to learn and participate in?
Playing music can be difficult, but it is a lot of fun, and everyone moves at their own pace. Unlike some other classes, we work on skills in a spiral fashion, and slowly acquire new abilities as we continue through. Not everyone is expected to be in the same place at the same time, but everyone can contribute. You get out of it what you put into it, so if you really want to excel and work hard to do it, you will!
Can anyone join band?
Yes! Everyone is welcome!
In conclusion, are band kids in fact the best kids?
Absolutely. 100%. No doubt. And everyone is welcome to join us!