I’m going to go around asking people questions. We’ll see how crazy this might get. I’ll ask simple questions that people don’t argue on much like “Is nutella better, or chocolate?” to the questions people argue more like “Is a cat better, or a dog.” we’ll see the results!
1. Is nutella or chocolate better?
My opinion: I never even HAD nutella. So I’m just going to say chocolate.
Other people: “Chocolate,” Chocolate,” “Chocolate,” Chocolate,” That’s what I heard. Only ONE person said nutella. They didn’t even say why. So the clear winner of this question is: Chocolate.
2. Is Marvel or DC better?
My opinion: Marvel. Just Marvel. Do I really have to say why? Marvel has the better Heroes AND Villains.
Other people: EVERYBODY I ASKED SAID “DC”!!! This really surprised me. I thought people liked Marvel better. Some people just have different opinions.
3. Is Pie or Cake better?
My opinion: I thought for a while. This is a tough question. I finally said Pie. Pie is softer and usually tastes better. Maybe that's why people usually have Pie for Thanksgiving, not Cake.
Other people: This question had a lot of votes on BOTH sides of this argument. But the winner is… PIE!!! More people liked pie than cake! Lets go pie lovers!!!
4. Is a cat or dog better?
My opinion: Cat. Cats are great pets. Especially if you work away from home. With a dog, when you leave home you need to call a sitter. Not with a cat! A cat's fur is softer and warmer than a dog's fur. If a cat bites you, the cat bite won’t you like a dog might. I own three cats because they are better.
Other people: Everybody said dog. No one said why. This one frustrated me. The winner is a dog. Apparently dogs are man's best friend I guess…
5. This time I'm going to ask one of my friends a question. Let’s see how they respond. Is Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet better?
Me: I have never played. So I don’t know.
My friend: “Scarlet, 100% percent Scarlet I defeated the story mode & post game.” Wow. I guess I will play Scarlet instead of Violet.
6. Last question. This one was a bit weird. I was out of ideas. If a bald person worked at a restaurant, would they have to wear a hairnet?
Me: Um… I’ll just say yes….
Other people: There were Yes’s No’s, and Maybe’s. This one was evenly split. Thank you for reading my article. Have a fantastic rest of your day. :)