Find Carmen Sandiego… on Google Earth! By: Marcus Henry

Many of you readers out there may have heard of the old game, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? The game revolves around using geological facts and knowledge of other cultures to ultimately find out where the jewel thief Carmen Sandiego is hiding and to find her. Unfortunately, you need a very old computer to play this game… until now! Google and Netflix have partnered to create a program to support Netflix’s new series, of the same name as the old game (It’s actually pretty good!).

Using the link below, you can search Google Earth to find Carmen, using clues the computer giant gives you. In addition, you can see the actual land forms that are referenced in the game, rather than a retro simulation of them. Play the game by clicking on the link, then tapping on the “pegman” symbol, which should look like a lady wearing a lot of red.

Play the game:,-12.41937117,-34606.55899502a,57359668.97d,35y,0.00004064h,18.19296234t,0r/data=CiQSIhIgYmU3N2ZmYzU0MTc1MTFlOGFlOGZkMzdkYTU5MmE0MmE