The Five Most Popular Desserts in America by Eloise Allen

#1 Chocolate Chip Cookies - Chocolate chip cookies were invented in America in about 1938 by Ruth Graves Wakefield. She added chocolate chip morsels to a regular cookie dough to make the most popular dessert in the country.

#2 Carrot Cake - People don’t really know were carrot cake came from. Some people think that it came from a carrot putting that was popular in the medieval times.  

#3 Ice Cream - Ice cream was first eaten in 1553 in France but wasn’t sold to the public until 1660.

#4 Brownie - The brownie was first invented by Larousse Gastronomique in 1896.

#5 Apple Pie - Even though apple pie is a classic American dessert the first written apple pie recipe was made in England in 1381. It was made by Geoffrey Chaucer.