The Way We View the World by Massimo Ragonese

Humans are as unique as a fingerprint. We have a way of expressing how we feel. Many people have opinions, even if they keep them to themselves. Whether they exploit their feelings on objects or people or hide their opinions, they express it. We need a way of showing ourselves to others.

The human mind can sometimes explore itself in a way not previously thought of. Even before humans developed tools and plans to create buildings, there were those who had architectural views of the world that some couldn’t possibly imagine. In the modern era, Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect who, not only thought outside of the box, he completely destroyed the box. According to, “Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect and writer whose distinct style helped him became one of the biggest forces in American architecture.” He used his artistic view on the world to show that even if your looking through a keyhole your whole life, one day, the door will open.