Futuristic Movies - How We Didn’t Live Up To Their Expectations  by Ella Roberg

Futuristic movies - what a strange and interesting topic. We all know that the vision that Back to the Future Part II had ended up nowhere close to what 2015 actually looked like, but that Moon Zero 2 was closer. (Thank you, Elliot Mathews!) But what about all those other movies that make the future seem so much brighter?  Here is a list of movies that mostly predicted their futures correctly.

2001, A Space Odyssey  (Released 1968)

Stanley Kubrick didn’t manage a perfect prediction of the future. This movie, set in 2001, is the oldest movie that we didn’t match by 2001. Stanley did, however, correctly predict that we would have intelligent computers. 

2012 (2009)

Roland Emmerich didn’t get the year right, but he was ahead of his time when he concluded that we would have a global catastrophe related to climate change. He also told the same story in The Day After Tomorrow.

Back to the Future Part II (1989)

If scientists hadn’t tried to give us hoverboards by 2015, then I'm sure we would be calling the two-wheeled “hoverboard” a “horizontal skateboard”. We are somewhat close to flying cars and virtual reality movies, but we’re in 2021, not 2015. Director Robert Zemeckis just got the date completely wrong.

These are just a few of the many futuristic movies that gave us way too little wiggle room for research to see if they are even possible. Ask your parents or guardians before you watch futuristic movies because a lot of them are rated PG-13 or R, though the ones I listed above are either PG or PG-13.
