Tech Ed with Mr.Hughes and Mr.Wilson is one of the Life Arts classes here at PFMS. In 6th grade, Mr.Hughes and Mr.Wilson taught us how to make bottle rockets with 2-liter plastic bottles and how to launch them. But beware- make sure you listen and have safety glasses on, or you’ll have to pay a fine. All fines paid will go to the Mr.Hughes' Bahamas fund.
We started by bringing in a two-liter soda bottles. Then we made the metal band to go around the bottle. We had to be careful not to cut ourselves. We rounded the bands and sealed them together and on to the bottle. After that we measured the length and widths on the bottle. We used a drill press to poke holes to make wheels; we sealed those on by hot gluing their holders to the bottle. Then the classes got to watch a laser beam shot through foam to make foam fins that got hot glued on.
The experiment: we drilled holes in the bottle caps and attached a 40-foot string to the vessel. Using air pressure we launched them.
The bottles rocketed throughout the air. Lots of us would scream with excitement. We would all battle to see who would have the fastest times!
If you hadn’t had Tech Ed with Mr.Hughes and Mr.Wilson, you’re in for a surprise!! Bottle rockets rock!