Top 5 Bussin Foods by Aidan Murphy

5. Orange Creamsicle

This is really bussin it literally melts in your mouth and then it has a cream layer; so bussin.

4. 100 Grand Bar

There are so many nuts and bumps it is so bussin, the middle is also really bussin.

3. Fruit by the Foot

So bussin. This is so stretchy and tasty and bussin. The fruity flavors explode in my mouth.

2. Oatmeal Cream Pie

What a bussin snack. The oatmeal and cream mix well together. Very bussin.

1. Oreo Mcflurry

Most bussin food ever. This is literally so tasty and bussin. I can’t even believe the bussin.

Good Humor

Interview with Mr. Zimmerman by Isabella Doliana and Vivienne Conroy

0. Have you ever had a student who tried to eat a piece of wood?

Not that he knows of

1. Would you rather be an ostrich or an emu? 


2. What is your favorite wood to work with?

Cherry wood

3. Have any of your students hurt any part of their body while in the woodshop?

A student got their hair cut in a drill before

4. Favorite painful childhood memory?

When he was first starting to ride a bike - he went straight down a hill into jagger bushes

5. What would you do if you made a table and one of your students bit it and broke all their teeth?

 Cry because of his table

6. If you ate a table what would you do with the chairs?

Probably eat them as the side

7. Are you more of a chihuahua or a really old great dane?

Really old great dane

8. Is your favorite color wood?


Top Ten Worst Christmas Presents by Josh Saintus

You wake up on christmas morning you run downstairs to the tree.You look under the tree you see the most gifts you ever seen gift you open whats in side a great gift or or the worst thing you've ever laid your eyes on we've compiled these bad thing into a list of ten READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

10. Ugly Christmas Clothes

Who actually wears these? I mean I know that for some people having to wear a sweater which feels like you just got poked by a cactus a thousand times every second is tradition but when you take it out of the box the only thing you’re thinking is “what is this?”

9. Gaming Shirts

These monstrosities make me wish my grandma fell down the stairs because she was probably the one who bought it.These make me cringe to death and for good reason too.

8. Gift Card Under $10 


7. Decor

Who wants decorative pillows?Who wants lamps?Who in the world wants a two inch cactus?

6. Food

Why? When Christmas comes you want something that will last a long time. The food finna last less than 1 second.

5. Anything You Already Have

The only reason anyone would want another of what they have is if they want to play with their sibling or they’re starting a collection

4. Books 

Tell me, who want to spend christmas day reading about a guy with a lightning scar 

on his forehead.

3. Cleaning Supplies

It might just me or I don't want to spend my christmas cleaning the bathroom and mopping the floor

2. Plants

Come on. Who really wants a plant that you have to take care of.

1. Coal

If you're a parent and you do this, I'm disappointed.

Decades Fashion by Delainey Bitner

Through the decades there have been thousands of fashion trends each year, many of which have shaped the styles of many people in 2022. Since the very beginning fashion has been a reflection of people's culture, personality, life, and many other things. Without many fashion trends of the past, we wouldn’t be where we are now concerning fashion. Many common fashion trends now were actually part of movements, like the mini skirt in the Femist movement. MIni skirts were used as a form of activism and rebellion to represent women's liberation. And The Black Panther Party of the mid 60s and 70s had a uniform of a black leather jacket, black pants, dark sunglasses, and a black beret, which became a symbol of black power.

Here are some examples of popular fashion trends in each decade.


  • Neon

  • Layered tank tops

  • low rise pants

  • Track suits

  • Bucket hats

  • Feathers 

  • Vests

  • Platform shoes

  • Big sunglasses

  • Denim


  • Cargo pants

  • Sneakers

  • Oversized flannels

  • Baggy jeans

  • Biker shorts

  • Plaid skirts

  • Cardigans

  • Mary janes

  • Sweater vests

  • Argyle cardigans

  • Varsity jackets

  • Collared shirts

  • Silk shirts


  • Windbreakers

  • Big hair

  • Aerobic gear

  • Leg warmers

  • Oversized eyewear

  • Acid wash jeans

  • Shoulder pads

  • HIgh Waisted pants

  • Denim


  • Bell bottom pants

  • Maxi skirts

  • Ponchos

  • Afros

  • Pant suits

  • Platform shoes

  • Wrap dresses

  • Corduroy

Carbonated Milk is a Soda! By Sam Rockmore

There are many stupid questions. Is cheese a loaf of milk? Are hot dogs a sandwich? Should Sam Rockmore be allowed to write for the school newspaper? But lately, a question like those has spiraled out of control and caused a civil war in Homeroom 311… is carbonated milk a soda?  Chances are, if you know who I am, I’ve asked you this very question. But is it? Is it a soda?

Yes, yes it is. First of all, what is a soda? Google defines a soda as “a carbonated soft drink.” But this, this begs a new question:  what even is a soft drink? Google then defines that as a nonalcoholic drink, especially one that is carbonated. Carbonated milk is indeed a carbonated, nonalcoholic drink! 

People have asked me, “Does anyone sell that?” Yes, in not just Japan, but in China,  Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan. Though I highly doubt carbonated milk is sold in North Korea, I’ll run with it. But why haven’t any Americans heard of it? To this, I have no answer. 

People have also asked how to make carbonated milk. Sadly, you can’t Sodastream milk directly, so you have to mix carbonated water with milk to make carbonated milk.

That’s it for now. Also, if I have anyone brave and stupid enough, I want someone to go to China, Mongolia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan, then buy carbonated milk in each country. That was a joke, please don’t go to North Korea.