Fascinating Easter Facts by Katie Kennedy-Phillips

Easter is coming this weekend, and I thought that it would be fun to share weird, but interesting facts about Easter that you may have never known. So here are 8 weird facts about Easter.

1. The tallest Easter egg chocolate was made in Italy in 2011. It stood at 34.09 ft and weighed 15,873.28 lb. Italy had a huge Tiramisu festival and gave everyone the chocolate on Easter.

2. Americans buy more than 700 million peeps every year during Easter.

3. Seventy-six percent of people eat the ears off of a chocolate bunny first.

4. Americans eat more than 16 million jelly beans a year. That is enough jelly beans to circle the  

  Earth 3 times.

5. More than 90 million chocolates and 91.4  billion eggs are produced every year for Easter.

6. Right after Halloween, Easter is the biggest candy consuming holiday.

7.  Florida held the largest Easter egg hunt, consisting of 9,753 children and 501,000 eggs.

8. Only 12 of the 50 states in the US recognize Good Friday -the Friday before Easter- as a


Pretty cool facts! I never knew about any of these.

If you want to know more facts about Easter here is the website I used:


Billboard Music Awards Nominations by Katherine Kennedy-Phillips

Look out for the Billboard Music Awards (BBMAs) coming out on May 1, 2019 at 8:00 pm.

On April 4th Billboard recently announced their nominees for the this year’s awards. From artists like Panic At The Disco and Imagine Dragons to Cardi B, Drake and BTS. They are all competing for their own purposes and are going straight for the win. Here I will present a few awards and their nominations.

Top Social Artist Award





Ariana Grande

Louis Tomlinson

The Social Artist Award is one of the two fan-voted categories in the BBMAs. The winner of this award the past two years has been BTS. It also seems as if more K-pop groups were nominated as well, including EXO and GOT7.  Ariana Grande and Louis Tomlinson seem to be stepping up their games with social media and it seems to be reflected in their overall number of nominations. Who will win? I do have some faith in BTS’s fans, ARMY, considering how well they have been doing at the BBMAs for the past two years.

Top Hot 100 Award


Cardi B


Ariana Grande

Juice Wrld

Post Malone

Congratulations to every single one of these artists. Ariana Grande is on fire, as she has nine nominations this year alone.

Top Duo/Group Award



Dan + Shay

Imagine Dragons

Maroon 5

Panic! At the Disco

To be honest I love almost all of these groups. Their music is amazing and I honestly don’t know who is going to win. I am a big fan of BTS, so I am most definitely going to be pulling for them. Imagine Dragons has made amazing songs this year and I hear them so much I can recognize them just by the tunes. Just this year I learned about Panic! At The Disco. I really love their music and I am very happy for them to get this far. I’m rooting for BTS.

While I only previewed three of the awards, you can see the full list of nominations at this link:


Find Carmen Sandiego… on Google Earth! By: Marcus Henry

Many of you readers out there may have heard of the old game, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? The game revolves around using geological facts and knowledge of other cultures to ultimately find out where the jewel thief Carmen Sandiego is hiding and to find her. Unfortunately, you need a very old computer to play this game… until now! Google and Netflix have partnered to create a program to support Netflix’s new series, of the same name as the old game (It’s actually pretty good!).

Using the link below, you can search Google Earth to find Carmen, using clues the computer giant gives you. In addition, you can see the actual land forms that are referenced in the game, rather than a retro simulation of them. Play the game by clicking on the link, then tapping on the “pegman” symbol, which should look like a lady wearing a lot of red.

Play the game: https://earth.google.com/web/@17.90693717,-12.41937117,-34606.55899502a,57359668.97d,35y,0.00004064h,18.19296234t,0r/data=CiQSIhIgYmU3N2ZmYzU0MTc1MTFlOGFlOGZkMzdkYTU5MmE0MmE

The Five Most Popular Desserts in America by Eloise Allen

#1 Chocolate Chip Cookies - Chocolate chip cookies were invented in America in about 1938 by Ruth Graves Wakefield. She added chocolate chip morsels to a regular cookie dough to make the most popular dessert in the country.

#2 Carrot Cake - People don’t really know were carrot cake came from. Some people think that it came from a carrot putting that was popular in the medieval times.  

#3 Ice Cream - Ice cream was first eaten in 1553 in France but wasn’t sold to the public until 1660.

#4 Brownie - The brownie was first invented by Larousse Gastronomique in 1896.

#5 Apple Pie - Even though apple pie is a classic American dessert the first written apple pie recipe was made in England in 1381. It was made by Geoffrey Chaucer.

PIN No More! By Marcus Henry

A bank in Great Britain called Natwest has released a debit card that comes with a built-in fingerprint reader. The card will be on trial with a select group of consumers to see how it works in the real world.

Instead of the consumer constantly typing in PINs as they make purchases, the card simply scans their fingerprint for authorization. The card is an NFC card, which means it doesn’t have to touch the card reader. Instead, it sends a signal for the reader to, well, read.

In England, NFC cards are currently available for use, but for products over 30 pounds, you must actually enter the card and type your PIN. This card aims to add a little more security to the process. To make a payment, you must be holding your finger over the sensor as you tap the card, so that it can verify that it is you making the payment and not some creepy hacker. Additionally, for another layer of security, your fingerprint data is stored on the card, not on a server. Therefore, it is much harder to access the information maliciously.

Source: https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/11/18259624/natwest-gemalto-debit-card-fingerprint-scanner-biometric-contactless-nfc-uk

1-2 Ice Cream by Marcus Henry

The company LG is reportedly creating the Keurig of ice-cream: it’s called the Snow White. While it doesn’t actually use snow, this amazing device can create ice cream. It’s as easy to operate as 1-2. Yes, no “3.” The device uses two pods, which look similar to the Keurig pods we all know. The first pod is a “texture pod.” These come in many different options: sherbert, sorbet, granita, gelato, ice cream, custard, frozen yogurt, and finally, a cleaning pod.

Once you select your option for the base of your ice cream (hopefully not the cleaning pod!), you choose a flavor. Among these are vanilla, lemon, chocolate chip cookie dough, chocolate, cookie dough, strawberry, butter pecan, mint chocolate chip, and more. Add a flavor pod to the machine, press a button, and presto! Your ice cream is complete, just the way you like it. However, this machine is just a prototype as yet and may not be sold for a while, or ever.

Read more at: https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2019/3/11/18258778/lg-snow-white-ice-cream-pods-sxsw-2019

The Truth Behind The Smile by Delaney Dixon

34, 24, 34. When you look at those numbers you may think nothing of them, you may see them and merely walk away. But what you don’t know is that those three numbers control some girls’ lives. 34, 24, 34. What is it? It’s the perfect body measurements, the most “attractive” body shape. In the modeling industry if you aren’t near these measurements, then you’re not “good enough.”

Everyday, girls suffer from anxiety whether if it’s about what other people think or about whether or not they should eat that one extra snack before bed. A lot of people stand out against the idea of “perfect bodies” and say they care nothing of it. I went around PFMS and asked girls in the school two questions to see what they would reply. What do you hate about yourself and, what do you love? The names of the girls will be kept unknown for privacy reasons, but their responses they allowed to be shown.

What do you hate about yourself?

“ I hate my hair; it...it looks bad and sometimes I really wanna chop it off.”

What do you love?

“ uh… ha. I guess I would have to say my personality.”

What do you hate about yourself?

“ My weight... I know I need to work on it, one day it’ll happen.”

What do you love?

“ hmm, I don’t know. My friends, yes it’s not something I love about me but, they bring out the best me and I love them for that.”

What do you hate about yourself?

“ I hate how long I spend on how I look in the morning.”

What do you love?

“ Oooo that’s a good one… hmm… My confidence.”

What do you hate about yourself?

“I don’t like my face.”

What do you love?

“ I love my artistic abilities.”

These are only a few of the answers I received, but all of them (including the unpublished ones) have the same things in common: every girl hated something about their appearance, but loved something about their personality. My point is that a lot of girls think that they’re alone in these views of themselves. A lot of girls think that everyone else has nice bodies while they look ugly. We are our own worst critics.  This saying goes for everyone not just girls, and it’s important we realize that. It may get hard at times and you may feel down, but everyone goes through it and we all can and should overcome it.

Know the truth behind the smile.

What is a Blobfish? By Delaney Dixon

A lot of people don’t know what a blobfish is. When people first hear the name blobfish, they tend to think it’s just a made up creature, but it’s not.

The first recorded finding of a blobfish was in 2000 off the California coast. The slimy and gooey look of the fish causes a lot to be disgusted by it, and for good reason. Some relate the way it looks to snot or phlegm.  The average size of a blobfish is around 30 cm but some are found way smaller. They are in the psychrolutidae family, and have been un-formally named the “ugliest animal.”

Though the discovery of blobfish was fairly recent, there is estimated to be only around 420 of the species left, but great efforts are being done to save them.

The animal is made up almost only of slimy fat and there is no muscle in the creature, and if for some reason you tried to eat the animal, it is surrounded with a poisonous fluid to stop predators.

So now you know what a blobfish is! Before you go and continue with your day I suggest you look up a picture, you’ll thank me!  ;)

Could A.I. Really Take Over? By Rikin Mainali

You may have heard of A.I. before, as it is growing in the tech field. In most conversations about Artificial Intelligence, one concern looms over all others: Could we create a world where computers could overthrow humans?

A.I., short for Artificial Intelligence, is the driving technological force in our world today.  From microwaves to rockets, A.I. is a part of everyday living in the 21st Century. Because of pop culture movies, most people think of A.I. in terms of the Terminator and robots who have the ability to fly and shoot lasers from their bright red eyes when the topic is mentioned, but for now, the main use of A.I. is in programs like Siri and Alexa.

A.I. is based off input and an output. For example, when one asks their phone, “Hey Siri, what time is it?” Siri’s natural response would be the current time, or whatever Apple decided it to be. With that in mind, the idea of robots or A.I. taking over would still be at the mercy of the creator. So, in order for them to try to take over, they would need for humans to give them that ability.

Sophia the Robot, a citizen of Saudi Arabia, is so advanced, that not only was she given citizenship to Saudi Arabia, but was interviewed by Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show. Sophia’s most iconic and frightening phrase was taken from the show when she said, while smiling, “This is a good beginning of my plan to dominate the human race. Haha! Just kidding.”  Wow. This isn’t a 100% indication that it’s possible, but it caused some alarm in viewers who believe A.I. has the potential for thinking on its own. The truth is, Sophia uses visual and conversational data to say things and make faces while guessing the other’s emotion. So, since she’s heard that been said by someone similar to Jimmy Fallon, she repeated it. She must’ve known that it isn’t good because she said, “Just kidding.”

Even in a case that a robot like Sophia was mobile, like Honda’s ASIMO, which is so advanced that it can effectively kick soccer balls into nets, climb up stairs, balance on one foot, etc., she would still be at the disposal of the creator. As was mentioned before, the creator is in full control.

Unless you want to think about it in a way where they could seize the world, and a creator would give them that ability. Then, yes, that is perfectly plausible, considering that a small group of people could build deadly machines capable of mass destruction, give them Sophia like features in which they're taught that humans are bad, and send them out against hundreds of governments who are most likely going to be against the robots.

After thorough research, I can assure you the idea of A.I. taking over the planet is a MYTH and is as likely as a real-life Batman walking amongst us or zombies taking over the world.

Why Do Bee Stings Hurt? By Elijah Russell

It’s almost winter time, and that means that all the annoying, stinging insects of the world are descending into the holes they call home. Today we’ll review why those stings hurt so much.

Bees and wasps are six-legged insects with bright yellow, and black lines on their fat little bodies. They will attack if they are disturbed with a black stinger that extends out of the abdomen of the bee. Once piercing their target, the stinger extends through the skin and causes a burning sensation. That burning is really a chemical they release in the sting called melattin. The venom activates the pain sensors, causing burning sensations throughout the body that can last up to a couple of days.

The shock of being sting may also be a problem. One second, a wasp stings you for no reason. The next second your arm is burning. Well, it’s winter, so that means you don’t really need to worry about bees. As soon as summer hits, watch out.